Garth Harkness

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Saddleworth North Ward on Oldham Council Learn more

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Residents not considered in new housing development in Diggle,says Lib Dems

by Garth Harkness on 30 August, 2023

Saddleworth Liberal Democrats have hit out that residents have not been considered in the new housing development and plans to increase parking restrictions. The new proposals would see the loss of the single yellow lines and make them double yellow lines.

Saddleworth North Councillor Garth Harkness, said “ I proposed that the 70 new homes should not be built due to the impact on the highways, impact on the listed building and lack of affordable housing. This was passed so the developer should now live with the proposals and changes to existing residents access to car parking is unacceptable.”

As part of the traffic measures in Diggle Councillor Garth Harkness said  “I worked hard amongst much opposition to get a car park and reduced restrictions here so am opposed for any reduction to this.”

Parish Councillor Michael Powell said “ I am unsure why any proposed changes are being put forward now after approval. Residents will find it hard to get out of the new development, but this was approved at the planning meeting and current residents should not be impacted as a result of this decision.”

Local campaigner Lynne Thompson added “ On top of the new development and all it’s problems it will cause,  to have existing residents to lose parking provision as a result is just a kick in the teeth that it will stop some of the residents  from parking overnight.”“ 

Councillor Garth Harkness said “The proposed building work of the houses in front of Saddleworth School has caused great concern amongst residents and am opposed to changes which further impact the residents.”

“ The residents who use this parking are being disregarded. Some residents have parking and some are now going to have less. This is unfair “

Councillor Garth Harkness wrote to planning and highways officers and the cabinet member to object to changes that result in loss of parking provision.

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